In Events Written by

Soul Feeder with Blood of Aza, 500, t0ni (live), DJ GHEPARD, heartc0regirl, gmaail (GLASGOW)


Soul Feeder is happy to announce its very first party in Glasgow with a special lineup showcasing some of the core members of our collective together with some of our favorite artists fueling the underground club scene.


Blood of Aza
t0ni (live)

Flyer by nina.exui

No sexism, no racism, no transphobia, no homophobia, no slut-shaming. Don’t assume anyones pronouns (she/he/they/it +) and always ask first. Please don’t get too intoxicated and know your limits. Absolutely no touching without consent and remember no means NO. If you see or experience any kind of toxic behavior, please let us know, we are here for you. Our awareness team is going to be available all night long.

We also highly encourage everyone to donate in support of the people of Palestine and Ukraine in these difficult times, a box for donations is going to be set up at the door. The money raised will be donated equally to the “Palestine Children’s Relief fund” & “Razom for Ukraine”.

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Last modified: February 21, 2024
