In Events Written by

Soul Feeder’s ANIMA release party with Europa, 7777 の天使, t0ni, DJ GHEPARD, DJ Hristos, Saetern (BERLIN)

Soul Feeder is happy to announce the release party for their first compilation “ANIMA” at OXI with a special lineup featuring some of its core members appearing on the release. Limited edition merch will also be available.


7777 の天使
DJ Hristos

Flyer by Saetern

No sexism, no racism, no transphobia, no homophobia, no slut-shaming. Don’t assume anyones pronouns (she/he/they/it +) and always ask first. Please don’t get too intoxicated and know your limits. Absolutely no touching without consent and remember no means NO. If you see or experience any kind of toxic behavior, please let us know, we are here for you. Our awareness team is going to be available all night long.

We also highly encourage everyone reading this to donate in support of the Ukrainian people in this difficult time, a stand for donations is going to be set up at the party.
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Last modified: March 28, 2023
